Monday, May 28, 2012

Stykkisholmur and the Library of Water : 25th May 2012.

' When you talk about the weather, you talk about yourself '
- Roni Horn.

 NASA transportation solution suggestion no. 3 - Take the bus -
Went on the bus to Stykkisholmur today with fellow SIM artist Anna Reich. It was grey, cloudy and very windy as we left Reykjavik on the two hour bus trip north to the small town at the top of the Snaefelsnes peninsula. I had hoped to re-visit to Snaefelsnes before my residency ended, although this time I wouldn't be going the whole way around the peninsula, I would at least get to visit somewhere we missed on our last trip. I also arranged to visit the 'Library of Water,' an installation by artist Roni Horn, in the old library building that overlooks the town.
Then we had the added bonus of a particularly fine example of Icelandic Church architecture. We decided to take a closer look, battling up the hill to reach the church in gale force winds, only to find the door locked, and as if the scene wasn't already dramatic enough, we could hear the sound of organ music just audible over the howling gale.

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