Friday, April 27, 2012

22nd April 2012 : Keilir, a trip to the moon ( part 1 )

Today the Dublin 8 Space Program went out on a mission.
In 1965 and 1967 astronauts came to Iceland in training for their future lunar missions. As close as I can pin down they trained around Keilir, a rather pyramid shaped mountain, very close to Reykjavik, and at Askja and Herðubreið, inland, further north. Thanks to Gunnhildur, SIM Residency Co-ordinator, for all this information, during my artist's talk on Wednesday, she mentioned that her grandfather had met Neil Armstrong.

This morning we headed towards Keilir, Verena Faisst was our driver. We traveled along the road towards Keflavik Airport, until we found the sign post for Keilir. However the road quickly deteriorated and we had to abandon our plan to drive to the mountain. We walked for a while through the bleak lunar landscape and planted the Dublin 8 Space Program flag in view of Keilir.

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